Friday, June 30, 2006


Blog Post # 1 (The "Old Internet")

So, I have to admit that this could possibly be the most redundant post ever! I've read so many other entries that defined this so well. So, as hard as this may be, I'm going to give it a shot. Be warned, because as much as I wanted to find information elsewhere, I used Wikipedia for a lot of it. I also found a great article through Proquest called "Piecing Together the Internet," by Janet Rae-Dupree. The citation can be found below.

Back in the day, the internet was created to fuel military intelligence first through the use of packet switching, then in the late 60's through the development of ARPANET( which connected UCLA, Standford, University of California, Santa Barbara, and the University of Utah). According to Wikipedia, "ARPANET became the technical core of what would become the Internet, and a primary tool in developing the technologies used." The variety of networks grew, and therefore it became necessary to develop protocols for file transmission Internet Protocol Suite. The common one that many of us have come to recognize is TCP/IP.

During the 80's, the military took over the ARPANET, and called it the MILNET while the National Science Foundation began to spearhead the use of the internet in the non-military sector. As it worked out, any country or organization that was using TCP/IP networks was part of this new system. Then, in 1993, MOSAIC, the first web browser, was created at the University of Illinois. This led to the foundation of the internet today. In 1996, according to Rae-Dupree's article, "the (d)ata networks deregulated (and) (t)he Netscape/Microsoft browser war beg(a)n."

Side Bar...
According to the Wikipedia article, the shift from the internet as a research tool, to internet for commerce was "highly controversial." Hmm... I didn't realize this but I understand it. After all, the network began first as a defense measure, then as an academic venture. It only makes sense that the universities would want to define its use. This is interesting to me because it was this shift to commerce that defines the basis of our internet today.

Works Cited:

"Piecing together the Internet"
Janet Rae-Dupree. U.S. News & World Report. Washington: Apr 22, 2002.Vol.132, Iss. 13; pg. 68

History of the Internet-Wikipedia 2006

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